

I’m a fourth-generation Springfieldian with a special passion for the historic Rountree and Delaware neighborhoods in our City. My interest in historic preservation and old places began with my parents, who took us to visit the Early American sites on the East Coast and were always deeply involved in the restoration of their own historic homes during our upbringing. Lately I have become obsessed with the timeliness of traditional English countryside and cottage design.

I am active in a group of grassroots advocates who is dedicated to securing the political, education, social, and economic success of Springfield’s historic places. I really enjoy working with these motivated, like-minded people.

As a mother of five, we are usually in the kitchen cooking and laughing together and always working on the house. Visitors need not be surprised to walk in and discover that I have painted the entire interior or rearranged the furniture since the last time they visited. I hope to instill in my children the same love for history and homes that my parents granted to me.